Stuart Oliver

A Selection of Stu's Stories and Letters

The Intriguing Story of Captain John Oliver - (PDF)
The Brief History of an Old Polio - Me! - (PDF)
Several stories about Frank McGrath, the first trainer inducted into the Racing Hall of Fame - (PDF)
Story of a "Pig-headed So-and-So!"! - (PDF)
My Part in Getting Rid of The White Australia Policy - what you can do if you keep pushing against a Politician's arrogance. (PDF)
So School Sucks! - (PDF)
A few remembered anecdotes of my motorbike days - (PDF)
My Two Dreams - (PDF)
The History and Ancestry of Stuart Oliver - designed to view on iPad or PC - not phone.
The Veness Family History - designed to view on iPad or PC - not phone.
Growing Up During World War II - (PDF)
My Mormon Story - How I came to join the Mormon Church - (PDF)
My Interaction With Kids - The fun of helping kids develop themselves - (PDF)
I Was Lucky - Why I have always considered myself lucky - (PDF)
My Art Dream Destroyed - Some of my Sketches from when I was 12-14 - (PDF)
The best advice I've ever been given! - (PDF)
Our Influence on Perth's Printing. - (PDF)

E-BOOKS (Note "Fullscreen" and "Contents" buttons)

Stu's Life and Other Stories - An eBook collection of My Life and and Stories (some also shown in PDF form above) - (eBook - note Fullscreen, Double-click Zoom, Contents, Print, Download buttons)
The Oliver Family History + Other Stories - An eBook collection of Oliver Family History plus a few other stories about my life - (eBook - note Fullscreen, Double-click Zoom, Contents, Print, Download buttons)
The Veness Family History - An eBook history of the Veness Family - (eBook - note Fullscreen, Double-click Zoom, Contents, Print, Download buttons)
Stu's Letters Book - An eBook collection of Letters written to newspapers and politicians over the years - a big percentage of which were published - (eBook - note Fullscreen, Double-click Zoom, Contents, Print, Download buttons)
60 Years Ago... - A compilation of photo's from Tony's 21st birthday to the current times - (eBook)
The Seow's of Singapore - Tony Seow's Singaporean Family - (eBook)
Singapore History - Pts 1 and 2 - Some of the history of Singapore post the Second World War - (eBook)
Vale Henry Lo - 1943-2020 - Sadly, Henry lost his life in an accident on the jetty of his home on Chevron Island on 1 August 2020 while doing what he enjoyed most..crabbing and fishing - (eBook - note Fullscreen, Double-click Zoom, Contents, Print, Download buttons)
Vale Juel Seow - 1942-2023 - Juel died on the 25 August 2023 - (eBook - note Fullscreen, Double-click Zoom, Contents, Print, Download buttons)